Friday, January 27, 2012

Welcome to ModernGirlfare

Welcome to Modern Girlfare... The name of the blog comes from the fact that I'm a "modern" and a "girl," even though I try my hardest to bring traditionalism into my family, and girlfare, is a play on words kinda.. Total John Mayer fan (modern warfare,) and the fact that, as you'll come to find out, I love to talk about food and hope to post recipes here to share!.. fare synonym for food! =)
Most families have recipes handed down generation to generation, not mine.  We grew up on simple foods, take out and staples like Chef Boyarde and hamburger helper.. Which was fine, I grew up to be strong and healthy, but when I started my own family and had to cook for them I had like 5 recipes in my repertoire, on rotation.  So just mainly based on my own tastes and trying to copy restaurants or friends recipes I came up with my own take on many popular dishes. So easy to make and easy to remember recipes, check back often for new recipes and I'm sure tons of witty remarks..

Life is short, be silly, take risks, accept help and  learn something new everyday!

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